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Create powerful

procedural functions fast

Use accelerated functions for procedural noise and signed distance fields. Enjoy visual feedback that assists you when you know what you are doing, and teaches you when you don’t.

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Go beyond traditional geometry

While you can import and manipulate traditional triangle based geometry FUSE also has native support for rendering signed distance fields. Let your imagination run wild!


Enjoy a playground for particles

Out of the box support for building complex and customizable particle systems. Use spatial effects, vector fields and even fluid simulation.

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Compute. Must Compute

Take advantage of the raw speed and power of today’s GPU to go beyond graphics programming and implement any of your own logic and algorithms to run in parallel as compute shaders.


Leverage the benefits of a game engine and a programing language combined

Built to work with vvvv gamma & Stride, FUSE gains the high level functionality of a game engine as well as the endless customisation and programming features brought to the table by vvvv.